Hybrid Highs

hybrid-working Oct 14, 2021

Many companies have started to introduce choice to colleagues, allowing people to choose the days that they would like to come into the office the days that they would rather work from home.  With the offer of a new 'hybrid' working arrangement, many have started to work a ratio of 3:2, with 3 days being in the office and two working from home. 

The most common days to work from home run either side of the weekend depending on work commitments and as a result, these members of staff are working TW&T days (as seen on twitter) which stands for Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.  

Understanding that employees are faced with two different working routines, how do we ensure that we get the best of both worlds, and reduce the chance of a two tier culture?  The first thing to realise is that there are advantages and disadvantages of both working arrangements.  The predicament that many are faced with is extracting the best parts of working in both scenarios.

So which bits should we be trying to keep and trying to lose?

When we consider what advantages there are of working in the office, it is likely that there is better equipment,  ergonomic office furniture,  faster internet and better printing facilities.  It would be logical therefore to try and organise your routine that on those in-house office days this is where we do the majority of tasks that need that type of equipment.  Not to mention quicker face-to face meetings and the enhanced social connection of being with colleagues, and in-office work can once again be a valuable time-saving period of your week.  

During home-based days, we obviously are more in control of our time and tend to reduce costs by avoiding excess travelling and the expenses that run alongside this commute.  As this environment often has less interruptions, home-working is often the ideal time to focus on tasks requiring deep-concentration and solo projects.  Combine this with the ease of accepting deliveries, finishing the washing and being able to take the kids to school, home-working can be a fantastic asset to a working week.  This aids in creating a welcome balance and ensures that by the end of a working day we are not left with a multitude of chores still to do.  

The takeaway point regarding hybrid working is understanding that although for some, hybrid working may be far from ideal, rather than focusing on the negatives of two routines and change, with the right mindset we can easily enhance productivity, connectivity and of course positivity.

Author: Dr. Adam Greenfield, Co-founder of WorkLifeWell | Doctor of Chiropractic | Wellness Specialist

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